Interopera Mothership Hull Rib Lab Research Model, Boigon 2020

Interopera Mothership Hull Rib Lab Research Model, Boigon 2020

theory of space 


Dynamic geometry is forever surfacing through the universe as a measured choreography that shapes its matter, energy, and space. The trilogy develops consideration in a pitch fork of bifurcated oneness. Catapulting through inner-outer-space and thereby taking us beyond the relative aspect ratio, in which the forward arrow of time frames itself, through the window of inertiality.
The Future is behind us now. It represents itself in the present by tackling the predictive logic in, reverse.

We seek then, in the IOSLab to research how, why and where spatial locomotion occurs in the quantum universe with or without the temporal signals of quantum behavior and its architectures. We further delve into its design substrates of matter in space itself, which in turn, augment our instruments of understanding consciousness.

The IOSLab is aligned with the Quantum Physicist David Bohm’s theory of Wholeness and The Implicate Order. Herein then, he describes the necessary aspects of his enfoldment, sub totalities and holomovements as germane to our capacity to move between different routinized realities and while entangled and yet decoupled from each of them and then some.

Beginning with the work of Founding Director Brian Boigon, the IOSLab suspends itself between his theory of Architecture on Framing, Looping, Projecting and his quantum science fiction, The Interopera.

Whereby, sometimes reality is too complex to explain, so fiction interprets it.

Under the duet of station points suspended across the valley of reality and fiction, Boigon builds a solid case for investigating Quantum Mechanics at the edge of its entanglement with reality and attendant locomotion. In this universe, Architecture will design itself in the multi-verse, thereby uncovering the deep of consciousness, its Master Switch and Implicate Order across the inner space and outer space where life travels beyond all bodies towards a totality of oneness.

The coordinates of this positioning then are to develop in the ISOLab a designing compass that gauges new methods for creating form in and outside the common-sense models of measurement and its observatories.

 “To begin to understand order in such a general sense, we may first recall that in the development of classical physics the perception of a new order was seen to involve the discrimination of new relevant differences (positions of objects at successive moments of time) along with new similarities that are to be found in the differences (similarity of ‘ratios’ in these differences).”

Bohm, Wholeness and The Implicate Order.

Once however, this model of relativity was shattered by Quantum Entanglement, showing as such that a molecule can indeed, without its observed station states be identified in thought experiments to be in two (3-4-5-6-7-8-9) realities at once and talking across their co-universes of matter, energy and space.

At the outer and inner wholeness of this, is Bohm’s Implicate Order where all particles can interchange with flows and thereby implode and explode the very notion that the human race is to remain fixed in its bifurcations of consciousness and its relative attention span.  For if a holomovement contains the steady states of all things inward and outward, then, it goes without saying that:











 –Brian Boigon, Interopera Reader, 2017


Being in two places at once has been proven in the behavior of geometry itself, to include a pitchfork bifurcation. Then, it is without warning and fair to say, that the quantum field is capable of continuous discontinuity, totality, sub-totality and entangled states that exceed our breadth in our bodies but not in our mind’s restless consciousness. Physics and Mysticism fold into one another here where they were first meant to be: outside the force of language.

The IOSLab is driven to activate submicroscopic quantum theory with the mystical attributes of its reality shells and express new architectural modalities, bifurcations and experience contained within the relative reality principles of locomotive space, architecture and it’s what nots.

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The Cheshire Cat in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland asks Alice:

"What size do you want to be?" it asked.

"Oh, I'm not particular as to size,"Alice  hastily replied: "only one doesn't like changing so often, you know."